We have the tools and man power to handle all types of repairs in our specialized facility.

Expert service and maintenance for oilfield equipment of any make and model.

Our re-certification methods and services are the best in the Industry.
Specialty Pressure Services Inc.

Fair Pricing | Quick Turn-Around | Professional Service by Industry Specialists
Specialty Pressure Services is strategically located in Red Deer Alberta, Canada. Providing large and small oilfield service companies with specialized re-certification, maintenance, repair and rental of pressure control equipment for the wireline, coil tubing, swabbing, and flow iron field operations.
Our highly skilled technicians have decades of experience in the wireline and coiled tubing service industry, along with many years involved in the manufacturing and assembly of pressure control gear. We work with oilfield equipment of any brand and model; blowout preventers (BOP), lubricators, grease injectors, crossovers, pressure testers, and any other related equipment.
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